Propounder & Theories in Geography (UGC NET)

Propounder & Theories in Geography 


Theory or ModelPropounder
Lateral Planation/ErosionTheory of Pediment FormationGilbert
Two-Cycle Theory, PeneplainDavis
Water Table TheorySwinnerton
Static Water Zone TheoryGardner
Invasion TheoryMallot
Geostrategic ModelSaul Cohen
Theory of Spatial IntegrationJohn Friedman
Theory of Innovation DiffusionHaggerstrand
Dependency TheoryA G Frank
Sheet Flood theory of PiedmontMcGee
Integration of Space with Economic ActivityChristaller & Losch
Hierarchy and Distribution of CitiesChristaller
Demand Cone ModelLosch
Cumulative Causation TheoryMyrdal
Trickle Down & PolarizationHirschman
Core Periphery ModelFriedman
Export Base TheoryDouglas North & Tiebout
Theory of growthBlovet
Growth Pole (Space as Force) Propulsive FirmPerroux
Geographic SpaceBoudeville
R-U FringePylor
R-U ContinuumRE Dhal
ConurbationPatrick Geddes
Garden CityHoward
Radiant CityCarbusier
Law of Retail GravitationReily
Intervenning OpportunityStouffer
Gravity ModelStewart
Transition Model (mobility)Zelinsky
Law of MigrationRavenstein
Push-Pull FactorLee
Progressive Waves Theory of TidesWilliam Whewill
Concept of Base LevelPowell
Rank size RuleG. K.Ziff
Concept of ConurbationPatrick Geddes
Transport Route Development ModelTaffe
Sequential expansion transport network modelTaafee, Morill and Gould
Glacial Control TheoryR. P. Daly
Subsidence TheoryDarwin
Equilibrium TheoryNewton


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