Physiography of India: Previous Year Questions

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ASKED BY UGC NET (2004-20)

  • Which of the following regions is known for the high frequency of landslides?

  1. Himalayas

  2. Western Ghats

  3. Eastern Ghats

  4. Satpuras

  •  Indo-Gangetic plain is fertile because it is covered by

  1. Saline layer

  2. Volcanic debris

  3. Metamorphic rocks

  4. Transported alluvium

  • Which of the following states does not have a common border with Bangladesh?

  1. Meghalaya

  2. Mizoram

  3. Tripura

  4. Assam

  • In the delineation of Physiographic regions of India the terms macro, meso, and micro were introduced by

  1. R L Singh

  2. M B Pithawala

  3. O H K Spate

  4. S P Chatterjee

  • Kargil is located on the banks of (A) Indus River (B) Jhelum River (C) Suru River (D) Chenab River 

  • Imphal is the capital of (A) Manipur (B) Nagaland (C) Meghalaya (D) Arunachal Pradesh

  • Mc Mohan Line is an international boundary between : 

(A) India and Bangladesh 

(B) India and China 

(C) India and Pakistan 

(D) France and Germany

  • Which of the Indian states has the maximum number of common borders with other Indian States?

  1. West Bengal

  2. Madhya Pradesh

  3. Chhattisgarh 

  4. Karnataka

  • Which river out of the following is older than the Himalayas?

  1. Sutlej

  2. Ganga

  3. Beas

  4. Ravi

  •  Arunachal Pradesh was formerly known as:

  1. NWEP

  2. NEFA

  3. Buffer zone

  4. Frontier

  • Siachin glacier is located in:

  1. Greater Himalayas

  2. Trans Himalayas

  3. Lesser Himalayas

  4. Sub-Himalayas

  • Which of the following pairs does NOT match correctly?

  1. Satpura Mountain - Mahadeo hills

  2. Chhota Nagpur Plateau - Rajmahal hills

  3. Himalaya Mountains - Khasi hills

  4. Vindhyan Range - Bhander Range


Physiographic region

Hills/ Range


Mishmi Hills

Karnataka Plateau

Delhi ridge

Satpura Mountains

Baba Budan hills


Maikal range

  • The Western Ghats in Maharashtra is known as

  1. Nilgiris

  2. Cardamom Hills

  3. Annamalai

  4. Sahyadris 

  • Which one of the following is in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats?

  1. Mahabaleshwar

  2. Baramati 

  3. Panchghani 

  4. Ratnagri 

  • Arrange the following Indian States in descending order of their geographical area:

  1. Maharashtra 

  2. Rajasthan 

  3. Karnataka 

  4. Tamil Nadu

  • The upliftment of the Himalayas was first initiated during the period of:

  1. Middle Pliocene

  2. Middle Oligocene

  3. Middle Eocene

  4. Middle Miocene

List I 

List II









  • Which one of the following is wrongly matched?



(A) Anaimudi

2965 m.

(B) Nanga Parbat

7756 m.

(C) Mt. Everest

8848 m.

(D) K2

8611 m.

  • Which is the largest physiographic division of India ? 

(A) Great Northern Plains 

(B) Great Indian Plateau 

(C) Greater Himalayas 

(D) The Coastal Plains 

  • The boundary between India and Pakistan is an example of 

(A) Subsequent Boundary 

(B) Superimposed Boundary 

(C) Relict Boundary 

(D) Antecedent Boundary

  • Given below are two statements, one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : Dandakaranya was the first large inter-state effort to reclaim land for the settlement of refugees. 

Reason (R) : Dandakaranya region lies partly in Bihar and partly in West Bengal. 

Code : 

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A). 

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) does not explain (A). 

(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false. 

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

  • Find out the correct sequence of the following passes from West to East. 

(A) Lipu Lekh, Nathu La, Shipki La, Zojila 

(B) Zojila, Shipki La, Nathu La, Lipu Lekh 

(C) Zojila, Shipki La, Lipu Lekh, Nathu La 

(D) Shipki La, Zojila, Nathu La, Lipu Lekh

Only one tool you need to master FOR THIS TYPE OF QUESTIONS -THE MAP.

  • The habitat of the Toda tribe is (A) Aravalli range (B) Siwalik range (C) Kaimur range (D) Nilgiri hills

  • The Vale of Kashmir is the only level strip of land in the Himalayas. Which river has laid its deposits to form this level plain? (A) Ravi (B) Sutlej (C) Beas (D) Jhelum

  • The broadest part of the Himalayas lies in 

(A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Jammu & Kashmir (D) Nagaland

  •  Which of the following regions of India is most developed economically? 

(A) North-eastern hill region (B) Eastern region (C) North-western region (D) Central region 

  •  The Bundelkhand plateau covers parts of which two of the following States? 

(A) Chhattisgarh & Jharkhand 

(B) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh 

(C) Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh 

(D) Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh

  • Which of the following places in India ranks second among the coldest inhabited places in the world ?

 (A) Dras (B) Itanagar (C) Manali (D) Mana

  • Which of the following ranges separates the Kashmir Valley from the Indus River Valley? 

(A) Pir Panjal Range (B) Dhauladhar Range (C) Great Himalayan Range (D) Siwalik Range



a. Shipki La

i. Arunachal Pradesh

b. Niti pass

ii. Himachal Pradesh

c. Nathula

iii. Uttrakhand

d. Bomdi La

iv. Sikkim 

  • Which of the following hills forms the North-Eastern edge of the Chhotanagpur Plateau? 

(A) Rajmahal Hills (B) Mikir Hills (C) Parasnath Hills (D) Javadi Hills 

  •  The ‘Valley of Kashmir’ lies between which of the following ranges? 

(A) Pir-Panjal and Karakoram range 

(B) Pir-Panjal and Zaskar range 

(C) Zaskar and Ladakh range 

(D) Sulaiman and Kirthar range 

  • Which one of the following regions has the highest proportion of agricultural land under irrigation? 

(A) Punjab-Haryana Plain 

(B) Rajasthan-Gujarat Plain 

(C) West Bengal Delta 

(D) Uttar Pradesh-Bihar Plain

List – I 

List – II

a. Block Mountains

i. Aravalli

b. Volcanic Mountains

ii. Pennives

c. Relict Mountains 

iii. Vindhyachal

d. Fold Mountains

iv. Mount Popa 

  •  Which one of the following parts of the Indian coast is a compound coast showing evidence of both submergence and emergence? 

(A) Orissa coast (B) Malabar coast (C) Konkan coast (D) Coromandel coast

  • Which one of the following islands of India has volcanic origin? 

(A) Car-Nicobar (B) Barren (C) North-Andaman (D) Little-Nicobar

  • Which of the following hills does not join the Anaimudi knot? 

(A) Elamalai hills (B) Palni hills (C) Anaimalai hills (D) Kudremukh hills 

  • The ranges of Western Ghats is locally called ‘Sahyadris’ in which of the following State? 

(A) Tamil Nadu (B) Karnataka (C) Kerala (D) Maharashtra

  • The core of the Great Himalayan is made up of 

(A) Dharwar Rocks (B) Archaean Rocks (C) Quaternary Rocks (D) Gondwana Rocks

  • Which one of the following rock systems is the main source of coal in India? 

(A) Gondawana (B) Cuddappa (C) Vindhyan (D) Dharwar 

  • Find a combination of two given areas where rainfall is characterized by Tropical monsoon rain. 

(i) The Sahyadri (ii) The Ganga Delta (iii) Kashmir Valley (iv) Ladakh Region 

(A) (i) and (iii) 

(B) (ii) and (iv) 

(C) (i) and (ii) 

(D) (iii) and (iv) 

  • The Pir Panjal range lies in 

(A) Outer Himalayas (B) Trans Himalayas (C) Greater Himalayas (D) Middle Himalayas

(Mountain Range)

(Highest Peak)

a. The Western Ghats

i. Doddabetta

b. The Eastern Ghats

ii. Gurusikhar

c. The Nilgiris

iii. Annamudai

d. The Aravalis

iv. Deomali 



a. Bhander

i. Chhatisgarh

b. Ranchi

ii. Madhya Pradesh

c. Bastar 

iii. Jharkhand

d. Shillong

iv. Meghalaya

  • Which one of the following sequences of the Himalayan ranges from South to North is correct? 

(A) Karakoram – Ladakh – Zaskar – Pir panjal 

(B) Ladakh – Zaskar – Pir Panjal – Karakoram 

(C) Zaskar – Pir Panjal – Karakoram – Ladakh 

(D) Pir Panjal – Zaskar – Ladakh – Karakoram 

  • Which one of the following matches is not correct? 

(A) Himadri – Greater Himalya 

(B) Shiwalik – Outer Himalaya 

(C) Western Ghatü – Peninsular India 

(D) Gondwanaland – Lesser Himalaya

  • Which one of the places of India ranks second among the coldest inhabited place in the world?

  1. Kulu Valley (Himachal Pradesh)

  2. Manali Valley (Himachal Pradesh)

  3. Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh)

  4. Dras (Jammu & Kashmir)

  • The main river flowing in the state of Jammu &  Kashmir is:

  1. Jhelum

  2. Chenab

  3. Indus

  4. Nubra

  • Which one of the following passes connects Arunachal Pradesh with Tibet?

  1. Aghil

  2. Bom Di La

  3. Banihal

  4. Changla

  • In which year a, major earthquake occurred in Jammu and Kashmir region near Muzaffarabad?

  1. 2005

  2. 1905

  3. 2001

  4. 2013

  • In which part of India Dandakarnya is situated?

  1. North Eastern

  2. South Eastern

  3. Central 

  4. Northern

  • In which one of the following rocks almost all workable oil deposits of India is located?

  1. Ancient granites

  2. Ancient sedimentaries

  3. Metamorphic formations

  4. Tertiary sedimentaries

Hill Name

State Name

Mikir Hills

Madhya Pradesh



Khasi Hills


Baba Budan Hills


  • Which one of the following passes connects Arunachal Pradesh with Tibet?

(1) Banihal Pass (2) Chang La Pass (3) Bom Dila Pass (4) Aghil Pass



(a) Bhils

(i) Shillong plateau

(b) Gonds

(ii) Eastern Jharkhand

(c) Santhals

(iii) Chattisgarh

(d) Garo

(iv) Aravalli

  • Which one of the following plateaus is not a part of the South Central Highlands? 

A. Vindhya B. Maharashtra C. Malwa D. Chotanagpur

  • Geologically, the oldest rocks in India are from 

1. Aravali region of Rajasthan 

2. Vindhyan region of Madhya Pradesh 

3. Siwalik region of Punjab 

4. Dharwar region of Karnataka

  • Boundaries between India and Pakistan and India and Bangladesh belong to which one of the following types? 

(1) Antecedent Boundaries 

(2) Subsequent Boundaries 

(3) Superimposed Boundaries 

(4) Relict Boundaries 

  • In which part of India Dandakaranya region is situated? 

(1) North-Eastern (2) South-Eastern (3) Central (4) Northern

  • Which one of the following decreasing order of altitude (from NE to SW) of mountain ranges in Jammu and Kashmir state is correct? 

(1) Ladakh. Pir Panjal. Zanskar. Shiwalik 

(2) Pir Panjal. Ladakh. Zanskar. Shiwalik 

(3) Ladakh. Zanskar. Pir Panjal. Shiwalik 

(4) Ladakh. Shiwalik. Zanskar, Pir Panjal

  • Select the following Himalayan ranges in the State of jammu and Kashmir in descending order in terms of average altitude from sea level: 

A. Zanskar, Pir Panjal, Ladakh, Karakoram 

B. Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar, Pir Panjal 

C. Pir Panjal, Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar 

D. Ladakh, Karakoram, Pir Panjal, Zanskar

  • Which of the following rivers divides the Indian peninsula into ‘Malwa’ and Deccan Plateau? 

A. Godavari B. Mahanadi C. Narmada D. Mahi

Mountain passes 


The Bara Lacha La Pass


The Jelep La Pass

Jammu and Kashmir

The Lipu Lekh Pass

Himachal Pradesh

The Banihal Pass


ASKED BY WBCS (2000-20)

  1. The Durand Line determined the border between (A) India & China (B) India & Afghanistan (C) India & Bhutan (D) India & Tibet

  2. Strait of Malacea lies between (A) India & Sri Lanka (B) Malayasia & Borneo (C) Malayasia & Sri Lanka (D) Java & Borneo 

  1. Ten degree channel separates (A) China & Taiwan (B) Andaman & Nicobar (C) Nicobar & Sumatra (D) Java & Bali

  1. Bedland topography is characteristic of (A) Chambal Valley (B) Teesta Valley (C) Sundarbans (D) Ranns 

  1. In which state of India is the valley of flower? (A) Kashmir (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Kerala (D) Tamil Nadu 

  1. The Northern limit of the Deccan plateau is (A) Southern limit of the Ganga Plains (B) Tropic of Cancer (C) Satpura range (D) Narmada-Son furrow 

  1. The “Shatter-belt” of the Indian sub-continent is located in (A) Rajasthan (B) Jammu and Kashmir (C) Nepal (D) West Bengal

  1. Trishul is a (A) short range surface-to-air missile (B) tourist spot (C) place where nuclear explosion took place (D) nuclear submarine

  1. Where do the Bhagirathi and the Alakananda meet at? (A) Karnaprayag (B) Rudraprayag (C) Haridwar (D) Devaprayag 

  1. The Earth’s magnetic field (A) never changes (B) has reversed itself many times (C) is centered exactly at the Earth’s centre (D) originates in a permanently magnetized iron core 

  1. During which geological era, the last Ice Age was initiated? (A) Pleistocene (B) Carboniferous (C) Tertiary (D) Cambrian 

  1. Lop-Nor is located in (A) Taklamakan desert (B) Tarim Basin (C) Gobi dsert (D) Pamir Plateau

  1. The Durand Line determined the border between: (A) India and China (B) India and Afghanistan (C) India and Bhutan (D) India and Tibet 

  1. India has no common border with (A) Myannar (B) Afghanistan (C) Bangladesh (D) PRC

  1. The river Narmada rises in the Amarkantak Plateau of (A) Mahadeo Hills (B) Maikal Hills (C) Nilgiri (D) Palni Hill

  1. What is the name of the island which is emerging gradually near the estuary of Ganga? (A) Sagar Island (B) Gosaba (C) Purbasha (D) Lothian Island 

  1. Laccadive Islands are (A) Coral Islands (B) Volcanic Islands (C) Oceanic Islands (D) Elevated part of Submarine iedge

  1. Pineapple is grown on an extensive scale at (A) Terai Plain (B) Shillong Plateau (C) Tripura Highland (D) Uttaranchal 

  1. Which one of the following is the longest glacier of India? (A) Siachen (B) zemu (C)Kolhai (D) Pindari 

  1. The southernmost point India is (A) Kanniyakumari (B) India Point (C) Dhanushkodi (D) New Moore Island 

  1. Baltora glacier is located in (a) Karakoram range (b) Kailash range (c) Pirpanjal range (d) Ladakh range 

  1. Karewas are terraces of glacial origin found in-— (a) Jhelum valley (b) Teesta valley (c) Chenuh valley (d) Ravi valley 

  1. The Siwaliks are called in Arunachal Pradesh (a) Dhundwa (b)Dhang (c) Miri (d) Jaskar 

  1. The Fedchenko, Biafo and Hispar are the names of Himalayan (a) Glaciers (b) Lakes  (c) Hill Stations (d) Trees 

  1. The Patkoi bum forms the boundary between (a)Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar (b)Manipur and Nagaland (c)Assam and Meghalaya (d)Meghalaya and Nagaland 

  1. Oldest coalfield of Damodar Valley region is (a) Talcher (b) Bokaro (c) Raniganj (d) Bisrampur 

  1. Kathiawar peninsula is one of the physiographic unit of (a) West coastal plain (b) Plateau of Peninsular India. (c) Coastal plain (d) Kachcha Peninsula 

  1. Lakshadweep is built up of (a) Submarine Mountains (b) Coral (c) Salt soaked marshland (d) Extinct volcano

  1. The Palghat gap serves communication inland from this port to Madras: (A) Goa (B) Mangalore (C) Mumbai (D) Cochin

  1. The Himalayas were uplifted from the (A) Indian ocean (B) Hercynian Geosyncline (C) Tethys Geosyncline (D) None of the above 

  1. The Aravallis represent in ancient (A) Fold Mountain (B) Horst (C) Volcano (D) Block Mountain 

  1. The River Narmada flows through a (A) Post-glacial valley (B) V-shaped fluvial valley (C) Fault trough lambasor valley (D) Deltaic area

  2. The South-Eastern part of the Bengal delta is undergoing (A) Upheaval (B) Folding (C) Faulting (D) Subsidence 

  1. This region of India is very important from biodiversity point of view (A) Eastern Himalayas (B) Eastern Ghats (C) Panchmari Hill (D) Kashmir Valley

  1. Which state of India touches the boundaries of the largest number of other states ? (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Bihar (C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Uttar Pradesh 

  1. The Tropic of Cancer passes through (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Maharastra (D) Madhya Pradesh 

  1. Himalayas are, (A) Young fold mountains (B) Residual mountains (C) Volcanic mountains (D) Block mountains

  1. Which one of the following statement is not correct ? (A) Decan Plateau slopes towards the West. (B) Height of WN Ghats increases from North to South. (C) WN Ghats are higher than the EN Ghats. (D) The N/WN part of the Deccan Plateau is made up of lava flows 

  1. The earthquake in Latur is believed to have resulted from (A) Excessive loading of water (B) Plate movement (C) Fault line underneath a dam (D) Folding

  1. Bailadila range in India is noted for the production of (A) Aluminium (B) Iron Ore (C) Bauxite (D) Mica 

  1. The Himalayas are (A) Fold Mountains (B) Block Mountains (C) Residual Hills (D) Table land

  1. Which of the following has the oldest rock in India ? (A) Himalayas (B) Indo-Gangetic Plain (C) The Aravallis (D) Siwaliks 

  1. Mc. Mohan Line demarcates the boundary between (A) India and Pakistan (B) India and China (C) India and Nepal (D) India and Bangladesh 

  1. Which of the following states was previously known as NEFA ? (A) Nagaland (B) Manipur (C) Assam (D) Arunachal Pradesh

  1. 'Tin Bigha Corridor' links (A) India and Pakistan (B) India and China (C) India and Bhutan (D) India and Bangladesh

  1. The Pir Panjal Range is located in the : (A) Greater Himalya (B) Trans Himalayan Area (C) Lesser Himalaya (D) Siwaliks

  1.  Which river flows through the vale of Kashmir ? (A) Sutlej (B) Ravi (C) Chenab (D) Jhelum 

  2. The source of the Narmada River lies in : (A) Amarkantak Plateau (B) Vindhya Range (C) Maikhal Range (D) Palni Hills 

  1. The dispute regarding 'Sir Creek' is between (A) India-Bangladesh (B) India-Pakistan (C) India-Nepal (D) India-Sri Lanka

  1. The Eastern and Western Ghats meet in the — (A) Palni Hills (B) Nilgiri Hills (C) Palghat Gap (D) Annamalai Hills 

  1. Granites and gneisses of Dharwarian age are found in : (A) Siwalik Hills (B) Deccan Plateau (C) Chotonagpur Plateau (D) Kirthar Range 

  1. Laktak Lake is located in the State of — (A) Jammu & Kashmir (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) Arunachal Pradesh (D) Manipur

  1. Gondwana beds are known for their : (A) Iron deposits (B) Coal deposits (C) Bauxite (D) Petroleum

  1. Damodar river rises from (A) Rajmahal plateau (B) Chhotanagpur plateau (C) Himalayas (D) Eastern Ghats 

  1. Which was a major port of the Indus valley ? (A) Lothal (B) Kalibangan (C) Chanhudaro (D) Mehargarh 

  1. Tuticorin, an important fishing harbour is situated along —— coast. (A) Malabar (B) Coromondal (C) Konkan (D) Gulf of Kutch 

  1. Which one of the following pairs is not correct matched ? (A) Himalayas → Tertiary Fold Mountains (B) Deccan Trap → Volcanic Cone Eruption (C) Western Ghats → Palaeozoic Fold Mountains (D) Aravallis → Pre Cambrian Re Mountains 

  1. The Indian Peninsula is surrounded by water on 

South and East

South and West

Southwest, South and Southeast

East and West

  1.  The Amarkantaka Hill is the source of two rivers flowing in two different directions (West and East). They are 1) Narmada & Tapti 2) Narmada & Mahanadi 3) Tapti & Betwa 4) Tapti & Sone

  1. Which of the following rivers of India, is older than the Himalayas 1) Sutlej 2)Ganga 3) Beas 4) Ravi

  1. Highest peak of West bengal belongs to which of the following mountain ranges? 1)Darjeeling range, 2) Singalila range 3) Jayanti hill 4) None

  2. In West Bengal ‘rarh’ is a physiographic region, part of which can be found in the district of 1) Coochbihar 2) Nadia 3) Paschim Medinipur 4) South 24 Parganas

  1. The Western Ghats is an important mountain system of the west coast of India. The word ‘Ghat’ means 1) port 2) stair 3) thrust 4) gap or pass.

  1. The highest peak in INDIA, K2 is also known as 1) Karakoram 2) kashmir 3) Godwin Austin 4) Kenneth

  1. Bhur of upper ganga plain of Indi ais 1) Undulating, aeolian sandy deposit 2) Older alluvium 3) Newer alluvium, 4) Muddy areas

  1. Western ppart of Tista river is known as 1) Terai 2)Duars 3)Tal 4)Diara

  1. The Shola forest found in 1) The Himalayas 2) The Western Ghats 3) The Vindhyan 4) The Eastern Ghats

  1. Mention the name of the state which has larger boundary with West Bengal among the following states of India 1)Jharkhand 2)Bihar 3)Orissa 4)Assam

  1. Lakshadweep is a island of 1)Coral island 2) Volcanic island, 3)Tectonic island 4)Alluvial island

  1. Manasorovar lake lies in 1)Karakoram range 2)Pirpanjal range 3)Kailas range 4)Mahabharata range

  1. Shillong is situated in 1)The Naga Hills 2)The Garo Hills 3)The Khasi Hills 4)The Mikir Hills

  1. The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated by 1)Lord Mountbatten 2)Sir Cyril Radcliffe 3)Sir Stafford Cripps 4)Sir Pethick Lawrence

  1. Port Blair is located on which island? 1)The Little Andaman 2)The Great Nicobar 3)The South Andaman 4)The North Andaman



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