Teaching Aptitude Questions and Answers (2005-20)

 Unit-1: Teaching Aptitude (Scanner)

YEAR 2005:

  1. Team teaching has the potential to develop:

  1. Competitive spirit

  2. Cooperation

  3. The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other

  4. Highlighting the gaps in each other's teaching

2. Which of the following is the most important characteristic of the Open Book Examination system?

  1. Students become serious

  2. It improves attendance in the classroom

  3. It reduces examination anxiety amongst students

  4. It compels students to think

3. Which of the following methods of teaching encourages the use of maximum senses?

  1. Problem-solving method

  2. Laboratory method

  3. Self-study method

  4. Team teaching method

4. Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. The communicator should have fine senses

  2. The communicator should have tolerance power

  3. The communicator should be soft-spoken

  4. The communicator should have good Personality

5. An effective teacher is one who can:

  1. Control the class

  2. Give more information in less time

  3. Motivate students to learn

  4. Correct the assignments carefully

6. Discussion method can be used when:

  1. The topic is very difficult

  2. The topic is easy

  3. The topic is difficult

  4. All of the above

7. The quality of teaching is reflected:

  1. By the attendance of students in the class

  2. By the pass percentage of students

  3. By the quality of questions asked by students

  4. By the duration of silence maintained in the class

8. The present annual examination system:

  1. Promote rote learning

  2. Does not promote good study habits

  3. Does not encourage students to be regular in class

  4. All the above

YEAR 2006:

  1. Which of the following is not instructional material:

  1. Overhead projector

  2. Audio Cassette

  3. Printed materials

  4. Transparency

2. Which of the following statement is not correct: 

  1. Lecture method can develop Reasoning

  2. The lecture method can develop knowledge

  3. The lecture method is a one-way process

  4. During the lecture method, students are passive

3. The main objective of teaching at the higher education level is:

  1. To prepare students to pass the examination

  2. To develop the capacity to make decisions

  3. To give new information

  4. To motivate students to ask questions during lecture

4. Which of the following statement is correct:

  1. Reliability ensures validity

  2. Validity ensures reliability

  3. Reliability and validity are independent of each other

  4. Reliability does not depend on objectivity

5. Which of the following indicates evaluation:

  1. Ram got 45 marks out of 200

  2. Mohan got 38 percent marks in English

  3. Shyam got First Division in the final examination

  4. All the above

6. Which of the following comprise teaching skills:

  1. Blackboard writing

  2. Questioning

  3. Explaining

  4. All the above

7. Which of the following statements is most appropriate:

  1. Teachers can teach

  2. Teachers help can create a desire to learn in a student

  3. The lecture method can be used for developing thinking

  4. Teachers are born

8. The first Indian chronicler of Indian history was: Kalhan.

9. Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. The syllabus is a part of the curriculum.

  2. The syllabus is an annexure to the curriculum.

  3. The curriculum is the same in all educational institutions affiliated with a particular University.

  4. The syllabus is not the same in all educational institutions affiliated with a particular University.

10. Which one of the two given options is of the level of understanding?

  1. Define Noun

  2. Define Noun on your own.

YEAR 2007

  1. The teacher uses visual aids to make learning:

  1. Simple

  2. More knowledgeable

  3. Quicker

  4. Interesting

2. The teacher's role at the higher education level is to:

  1. Provide information to students

  2. Promote self-learning in students

  3. Encourage healthy competition among students

  4. Help students to solve their personal problems

3. Which one of the following teachers would you like the most:

  1. Punctual

  2. Having research aptitude

  3. Loving and having high idealistic philosophy

  4. Who often amuses his students

4. Micro Teaching is most effective for the student-teacher:

  1. During the practice teaching

  2. After the practice teaching

  3. Before the practice teaching

  4. None of the above

5. Which is the least important factor in teaching:

  1. Punishing the students

  2. Maintaining discipline in the class

  3. Lecturing in an impressive way

  4. Drawing sketches and diagrams on the blackboard

6. Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of: 

  1. Aptitudes

  2. Skills

  3. Attitudes

  4. Relationship

7. Which is the most important aspect of the teacher's role in learning:

  1. The development of insight into what constitutes an adequate performance

  2. The development of insight into what constitutes the pitfalls and dangers to be avoided.

  3. The provision of encouragement and moral support

  4. The provision of continuous diagnostic and remedial help

8. The most appropriate purpose of learning is:

  1. Personal adjustment

  2. Modification of behavior

  3. Social and political awareness

  4. Preparing oneself for employment

9. The students who keep on asking questions in the class should be:

  1. Encouraged to find answers independently

  2. Advised to meet the teacher after the class

  3. Encouraged to continue questioning

  4. Advised not to disturb during the lecture

10. Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through:

  1. Discussion method

  2. Lecture method

  3. Audio-visual aids

  4. Textbook method

11. Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of:

  1. Enriching curriculum-based instruction

  2. Replacing teachers in the long run

  3. Everybody having access to a radio set

  4. Other means of instruction getting outdated

12. Teacher uses visual aids to make learning:

  1. Simple

  2. More knowledgeable

  3. Quicker

  4. Interesting

13. The teacher's role at the higher educational level is to:

  1. Provide information to students

  2. Promote self-learning in students

  3. Encourage healthy competition among students

  4. Help students to solve their personal problems

14. Which one of the following teachers would you like the most:

  1. Punctual

  2. Having research aptitude

  3. Loving and having high idealistic philosophy

  4. Who often amuses his students

15. Which is the least important factor in teaching:

  1. Punishing the students

  2. Maintaining discipline in the class

  3. Lecturing in an impressive way

  4. Drawing sketches and diagrams on the blackboard

Books you can consult for your NET Preparation:


YEAR: 2008

  1. Education is a powerful instrument of:

  1. Social transformation

  2. Personal transformation

  3. Cultural transformation

  4. All the above

2. A teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student is affected through:

  1. Constant fulfillment of the students' needs

  2. The strict control of classroom activities

  3. Sensitivity to students' needs, goals, and purposes

  4. Strict reinforcement of academic standards

3. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase "Friend, Philosopher and guide" because:

  1. He has to play all vital roles in the context of society

  2. He transmits the high value of humanity to students

  3. He is the great reformer of the society

  4. He is a great patriot

4. The most important cause of failure for teachers lies in the area of:

  1. Interpersonal relationship

  2. Lack of command over the knowledge of the subject

  3. Verbal ability

  4. Strict handling of the students'

5. A teacher can establish rapport with his students by:

  1. Becoming a figure of authority

  2. Impressing students with knowledge and skill

  3. Playing the role of a guide

  4. Becoming a friend to the students

6. According to Swami Vivekananda, a teacher's success depends on:

  1. His renunciation of personal gain and service to others

  2. His professional training and creativity

  3. His concentration on his work and duties with a spirit of obedience to God

  4. His mastery of the subject and capacity in controlling the students

7. A teacher's most important challenge is: 

  1. To make students do their homework

  2. To make teaching-learning process enjoyable

  3. To maintain discipline in the classroom

  4. To prepare the question paper

8. Value education stands for: 

  1. Making a student healthy

  2. Making a student get a job

  3. Inculcation of virtues

  4. All-round development of personality

9. When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in the class, you would:

  1. Pull up the student then and there

  2. Talk to the student after the class

  3. Ask the student to leave the class

  4. Ignore the student

10. Which of the following teachers will be liked most?

  1. A teacher of high idealistic attitude

  2. A loving teacher

  3. A disciplined teachers

  4. A teacher who often amuses his students

YEAR: 2009

  1. Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact:

  1. Use of film

  2. Small group discussion

  3. Lectures by expert

  4. View countrywide classroom programs on TV

2. Which of the following is not a product of learning:

  1. Attitudes

  2. Concept

  3. Knowledge

  4. Maturation

3. Good evaluation of written material should not be based on:

  1. Linguistic expression

  2. Logical presentation

  3. Ability to reproduce whatever is read

  4. Comprehension of subject

4. Why do teachers use teaching aid:

  1. To make teaching fun-filled

  2. To teach within the understanding level of students

  3. For student's attention

  4. To make students attentive

5. Attitudes, concepts, skills, and knowledge are products of: 

  1. Learning

  2. Research

  3. Heredity

  4. Explanation

6. The university which telecast interaction educational programs through its own channel is: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

7. Which of the following skills are needed for present-day teachers to adjust effectively with classroom teaching?

  1. Knowledge of technology

  2. Use of technology in teaching-learning

  3. Knowledge of students

  4. Content mastery

4. Who has signed an MOU for Accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions in India?: NCTE and NAAC

5. The primary duty of the teacher is to: 

  1. Raise the intellectual standard of the students

  2. Improve the physical standard of the students

  3. Help all-round development of the students

  4. Imbibe value system in the students

6. Micro teaching is more effective:

  1. During the preparation for teaching practice

  2. During the teaching practice

  3. After the teaching practice

  4. Always

6. What quality do the students like the most in a teacher:

  1. Idealist philosophy

  2. Compassion

  3. Discipline

  4. Entertaining

7. Which of the following is more interactive and student centric:

  1. Seminar

  2. Workshop

  3. Lecture

  4. Group discussion

8. A: For effective classroom communication, it is desirable to use projection technology.

R: Using the projection technology facilities extensive coverage of course contents

➡️ Both (A) and (R) are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

9. Good evaluation of written material should not be based on:

  1. Linguistic expression

  2. Logical presentation

  3. Ability to reproduce whatever is read

  4. Comprehension of subject

10. Why do teachers use teaching aid?

  1. To make teaching fun-filled

  2. To teach within the understanding level of teaching

  3. For students attention

  4. To make students attentive

11. Attitudes, concepts, skills, and knowledge are products of:

  1. Learning

  2. Research

  3. Heredity

  4. Explanation

12. Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact: 

  1. Use of film

  2. Small group discussion

  3. Lectures by experts

  4. Viewing country-wide classroom programs on TV

13. Which of the following is not a product of learning:

  1. Attitudes

  2. Concepts

  3. Knowledge

  4. Maturation

YEAR 2010

  1. Some students in a class exhibit great curiosity for learning. It may be because such children

  1. Are gifted

  2. Come from rich families

  3. Show artificial behavior

  4. Create indiscipline in the class

2. The most important quality of a good teacher is

  1. Sound knowledge of the subject matter

  2. Good communication skills

  3. Concern for student's welfare

  4. Effective leadership qualities

3. Which one of the following is appropriate in respect of teacher Student relationship

  1. Very informal and intimate

  2. Limited to the classroom only

  3. Cordial and respectful

  4. Indifferent

4. The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

  1. Supervise the work of their wards

  2. Arrange for extra tuition

  3. Remain unconcerned about it

  4. Interact with teachers frequently

5. In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be

  1. Occasional roars of laughter

  2. Complete silence

  3. Frequent teacher Student dialogue

  4. Loud discussion among students

6. If a parent approaches the teacher to do some favor to his/her ward in the examination, the teacher should

  1. Try to help him

  2. Ask him not to talk in those terms

  3. Refuse politely and firmly

  4. Ask him rudely to go away

7. Which one of the following is the most important quality of a good teacher?

  1. Punctuality and sincerity

  2. Content Mastery

  3. Content Mastery and reactive 

  4. Content mastery and sociable

8. The primary responsibility for the teacher's adjustment lies with

  1. The children

  2. The principal

  3. The teacher himself

  4. The community

9. As per the NCTE norms, what should be the staff strength for a unit of hundred students at B. Ed. Level?

  1. 1+7

  2. 1+9

  3. 1+10

  4. 1+5

10. Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teachers is:

  1. Digestive upsets

  2. Explosive behavior

  3. Fatigue

  4. Worry

11. Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. The syllabus is an annexure to the curriculum.

  2. The curriculum is the same in all educational institutions.

  3. The curriculum includes both formal, and informal education.

  4. The curriculum does not include methods of evaluation.

12. A successful teacher is:

  1. Compassionate and disciplinarian

  2. Quite and reactive

  3. Tolerant and dominating

  4. Passive and active

YEAR 2011

  1. By which of the following methods is the true evaluation of the students is possible:

  1. Evaluation at the end of the course

  2. Evaluation twice a year

  3. Continuous evaluation

  4. Formative evaluation

2. Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher's house for the purpose, the teacher should

  1. Contact the student's parents and solve his problem

  2. Suggest him that he should never visit his house

  3. Suggest him to meet the principal and solve the problem

  4. Extend reasonable help and boost his morale. 

3. When some students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making mischief, what will be your role as a teacher

  1. Expelling those students

  2. Isolate those students

  3. Reform the group with your authority

  4. Giving them an opportunity for introspection and improve their behavior.

4. Which of the following belongs to a projected aid:

  1. Blackboard

  2. Diorama

  3. Epidiascope

  4. Globe

5. A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask

  1. Meaningful questions

  2. As many questions as possible

  3. Maximum number of questions in a fixed time

  4. Many meaningful questions in a fixed time.

6. Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher:

  1. He should be a learned person

  2. He should be a well-dressed person

  3. He should have patience

  4. He should be an expert in his subject

7. For maintaining effective discipline in the class, the teacher should

  1. Allow students to do what they like

  2. Deal with the students strictly

  3. Give the students some problem to solve

  4. Deal with them politely and firmly.

8. An effective teaching aid is one which

  1. Is colorful and good-looking

  2. Activates all faculties

  3. Is visible to all students

  4. Easy to prepare and use

9. Those teachers are popular among students who:

  1. Develop intimacy with them

  2. Help them solve their problems

  3. Award good grades

  4. Take classes on extra Tuition fee

10. The essence of an effective classroom environment is:

  1. A variety of teaching aids

  2. Lively student-teacher interaction

  3. Pin-drop silence

  4. Strict discipline

11. On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should:

  1. Ask them to meet after the class

  2. Tell them about himself in brief

  3. Ignore the demand and start teaching

  4. Scold the student for this unwanted demand

12. Moral values can be effectively inculcated among the students when the teacher:

  1. Frequently talks about Values

  2. Himself practices them

  3. Tells stories of great persons

  4. Talks of gods and goddesses

YEAR 2012

  1. For efficient and durable learning, learners should have

  1. Ability to learn only

  2. The requisite level of motivation only

  3. Opportunities to learn only

  4. Desired level of ability and motivation

2. Classroom Communication must be:

  1. Teacher centric

  2. Student-centric

  3. General centric

  4. Textbook centric

3. The best method of teaching is to:

  1. Impart information

  2. Ask students to read books

  3. Suggest good reference material

  4. Initiate a discussion and participate in it

4. Interaction inside the classroom should generate

  1. Argument

  2. Information

  3. Ideas

  4. Controversy

5. "Spare the rod and spoil the child", gives the message that

  1. Punishment in the class should be banned

  2. Corporal punishment is not acceptable

  3. Undesirable behavior must be punished

  4. Children should be beaten with rods.

6. The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom, is termed as:

  1. Interpersonal

  2. Mass communication

  3. Group communication

  4. Face to face communication

7. If you get an opportunity to teach a visually challenged student along with Normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class?

  1. Not giving extra attention because the majority may suffer

  2. Take care of him sympathetically in the class-room

  3. You will think that blindness is his destiny and hence you cannot do anything.

  4. Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him. 

8. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test?

  1. Reliability

  2. Objectivity

  3. Ambiguity

  4. Validity

9. Which of the following does not belong to a projected aid?

  1. Overhead projector

  2. Blackboard

  3. Epidiascope

  4. Slide projector

10. For a teacher, which of the following methods would be correct for writing on the blackboard?

  1. Writing fast and as clearly as possible

  2. Writing the matter first and then asking students to read it

  3. Asking a question to students and then writing the answer as stated by them.

  4. Writing the important points as clearly as possible.

11. A teacher can be successful if he/she:

  1. Helps students in becoming better citizens.

  2. Imparts subject knowledge to students

  3. Prepares students to pass the examination

  4. Presents the subject matter in a well-organized manner. 

12. Dynamic approach to teaching means:

  1. Teaching should be forceful and effective

  2. Teachers should be energetic and dynamic

  3. The topics of teaching should not be static but dynamic.

  4. The students should be required to learn through activities. 

YEAR 2013

  1. While delivering a lecture if there is some disturbance in the class, a teacher should:

  1. Keep quiet for a while and then continue

  2. Punish those causing disturbance

  3. Motivate to teach those causing disturbances

  4. Not bothering about what is happening in the class.

2. Effective teaching is a function of

  1. Teacher's satisfaction

  2. Teacher's honesty and commitment

  3. Teachers making students learn and understood

  4. Teacher's Liking for professional excellence

3. The most appropriate meaning of learning is:

  1. Acquisition of skills

  2. Modification of behavior

  3. Personal adjustment

  4. Inculcation of knowledge

4. Arrange the following teaching process in order:

  1. Relate the present knowledge with the previous one

  2. Evaluation

  3. Re-teaching

  4. Formulating instructional objectives

  5. Presentation of instructional materials

Ans: iv, i, v, ii, iii.

5. CIET stands for Central Institute for Education Technology.

6. Teacher's role at higher education:

  1. Provide information to students

  2. Promote self-learning in students

  3. Encourage healthy competition among students

  4. Help students to solve their problems

7. The Verstehen School of Understanding was popularised by: German Social Scientists

8. A good teacher must be: 

  1. Resourceful and autocratic

  2. Resourceful and participative

  3. Resourceful and authoritative

  4. Resourceful and dominant

9. Best method of teaching: Demonstration method.

10. Successful Communication in classroom teaching:

  1. Circular

  2. Reciprocal

  3. Directional

  4. Influential

11. Which one of the following types of evaluation assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to both teachers and students during instruction?

  1. Placement evaluation

  2. Formative evaluation

  3. Diagnostic evaluation

  4. Summative

12. Which one of the following is a scaled-down teaching situation:

  1. Macro teaching

  2. Team teaching

  3. Cooperative teaching

  4. Microteaching

13. CLASS stands for Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

14. The blackboard can be utilized best by a teacher for:

  1. Putting the matter of teaching in black and white

  2. Making the students attentive

  3. Writing the important and notable points

  4. Highlight the teacher himself

15. Nowadays the most effective mode of learning is: e-learning. 

16. At the primary school stage, most of the teachers should be women because they:

  1. Can teach children better than man.

  2. Know basic content better than men.

  3. Are available on lower salaries.

  4. Can deal with children with love and affection. 

17. Which one is the highest order of learning?

  1. Chain learning

  2. Problem-solving learning

  3. Stimulus-response learning

  4. Conditioned-reflex learning

18. "A diagram Speaks more than 1000 words." The statement means that the teacher should

  1. Use diagrams in teaching

  2. Speak more and more in the class

  3. Use teaching aids in the class

  4. Not speak too much in the class. 

YEAR 2014

  1. Which one of the following is considered a sign of motivated teaching?

  1. Students asking questions

  2. Maximum attendance of the students

  3. Pin drop silence in the classroom

  4. Students taking notes

2. Which one of the following is the best method of teaching:

  1. Lecture

  2. Discussion

  3. Demonstration

  4. Narration

3. Dyslexia is associated with: reading disorder.

4. The e-content generation for undergraduate courses has been assigned by the Ministry of Human Resource Department to the Consortium for Educational Communication.

5. Classroom Communication is normally considered as effective

6. Who propounded the concept of paradigm: Thomas Kuhn.

YEAR 2015

  1. Greater the handicap of the students coming to the educational institutions, greater the demand on the: Teacher

  2. What are the characteristics of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation?

  1. It increases the workload on students by taking multiple tests.

  2. It replaces marks with grades.

  3. It evaluates every aspect of the student.

  4. It helps in reducing examination phobia.

3. Which of the following attributes denote the great strengths of a teacher?

  1. Full-time active involvement in the institutional management

  2. Setting examples

  3. Willingness to put assumptions to the test

  4. Acknowledging mistakes

4. Which one of the following statements is correct in the context of multiple-choice types questions:

  1. They are more objective than true-false types questions

  2. They are less objective than essay type questions

  3. They are more subjective than short answer type questions

  4. They are more subjective than true-false type questions

5. As chairman of an independent commission on education, Jacques Delors report to UNESCO was titled: Learning: the Treasure Within

6. What is required for good teaching?

  1. Diagnosis

  2. Remedy

  3. Direction

  4. Feedback

7. The main objectives of student evaluation of teachers are:

  1. To gather information about student weaknesses

  2. To make teachers take teaching seriously

  3. To help teachers adopt innovative methods of teaching

  4. To identify the areas of further improvement in teacher traits.

8. Using the central point of the classroom Communication as the beginning of a dynamic pattern of ideas is referred to as:

  1. Systemization 

  2. Problem orientation

  3. Idea protocol

  4. Mind mapping

9. Attitudes, actions, and Appearances in the context of classroom Communication are considered as: Non-verbal

10. Most often the teacher Student Communication is: Utilitarian

11. In a classroom, a communicator's trust level is determined by: eye contact

12. Which is the highest level of cognitive ability: Evaluating.

13. Which of the following statement about teaching aids are correct:

  1. They help in retaining concepts for a longer duration

  2. They help students learn better

  3. They make the teaching-learning process interesting

  4. They enhance rote learning

14. Techniques used by a teacher to teach include:

  1. Lecture

  2. Interactive lecture

  3. Group work

  4. Self-study

15. Achievement tests are commonly used for:

  1. Making selections for a specific job

  2. Selecting candidates for a course

  3. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of learners

  4. Assessing the amount of learning after teaching

16. A good teacher is one who:

  1. Gives useful information

  2. Explains concepts and principles

  3. Gives printed notes to students

  4. Inspires students to learn

17. Maximum participation of students during teaching is possible through:

  1. Lecture method

  2. Demonstration method

  3. Inductive method

  4. Textbook method

18. Diagnostic evaluation ascertains:

  1. Students performance at the beginning of instructions

  2. Learning progress and failures during instructions

  3. Degree of achievements of instructions at the end

  4. Causes and remedies of persistent learning problems during instructions

19. Instructional aides are used by the teacher to:

  1. Glorify the class

  2. Attract the students

  3. Clarify the concepts

  4. Ensure discipline

20. Attitude of the teacher that affects teaching pertains to

  1. Affective domain

  2. Cognitive domain

  3. Connotative domain

  4. Psychomotor domain

21. "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man" was stated by: Swami Vivekanand

22. Which of the following is not a prescribed level of teaching:

  1. Memory

  2. Understanding

  3. Reflective

  4. Differentiation

23. In the classroom, the teacher sends the message either as words or images. The students are really:

  1. Encoders

  2. Decoders

  3. Agitators

  4. Propagators

24. A smart classroom is a teaching space that has:

  1. Smart portion with touch panel control system

  2. PC/ Laptop connection and DVD/VCR player

  3. Document camera and specialized software

  4. Projector and screen 

YEAR: 2016

  1. Which of the following reflects the basic characteristics of teaching?

  1. Teaching is the same as training

  2. There is no difference between instruction and conditioning when we teach

  3. Teaching related to learning

  4. Teaching is a "task", learning is an "achievement"

  5. Teaching means giving information

  6. One may teach without learning taking place

2. Which of the following factors affect teaching:

  1. Teacher's internal locus of control

  2. Learner motivation

  3. Teacher's biographic data

  4. Teacher's self-efficacy

  5. Learner's interest in co-curricular activities

  6. Teacher's skill in managing and monitoring

  7. Teacher's knowledge of the subject including general knowledge

3. Which combination of methods of teaching is likely to optimize learning?

  1. Lecturing, discussions, and seminar method

  2. Interactive discussion planned lectures, and PowerPoint-based presentations

  3. Interactive lecture sessions followed by buzz sessions, brainstorming, and projects

  4. Lecturing, demonstrations, and PowerPoint-based presentations.

4. A: Teaching aids have to be considered as effective supplements to instruction.

R: They keep the students in good humor.

👉 Both A & R are true but, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

5. The purpose of formative evaluation is to:

  1. Grade student's learning outcomes.

  2. Accelerate student's learning performance

  3. Check student's performance graph

  4. Provide Feedback on teacher effectiveness.

6. Which of the following learner characteristics are likely to influence the effectiveness of teaching aids and evaluation systems to ensure positive results?

  1. Learner's family background, age, and habitation

  2. Learner's parentage, Socio-economic background, and performance in the learning of the concerned subject

  3. Learner's stage of development, social background, and personal interests

  4. Learner's maturity level, academic performance level, and motivational dispositions. 

7. Internal and external factors that affect message reception by the students in the classroom are referred to as noise.

8. A teacher in a classroom has immediate control over:

  1. The self, selected methods of communication, and the message.

  2. The Audience, the noise, and the reception

  3. The feedback, the technology, and the audience experience

  4. The communication channel, other communicators, and external factors

9. Like a good classroom communicator, you are supposed to know your:

  1. Audience emotions

  2. Silent cues

  3. Artful pauses

  4. Counter arguments

10. The best way for providing value education is through:

  1. Discussion in scriptural texts

  2. Lecture/ discourses on values

  3. Seminars/ symposia on values

  4. Mentoring/ reflective sessions on values 

11. Which set of learner characteristics may be considered helpful in designing effective teaching-learning systems? 

  1. Prior experience of learners in respect of the subject

  2. Interpersonal relationships of learner's family friends

  3. The ability of the learners in respect of the subject

  4. Student's language background

  5. The interest of students in following the prescribed dress code

  6. Motivational orientation of the students

12. A college-level assistant professor has planned his/her lectures to develop cognitive dimensions of students concerned with analysis and synthesis skills. 

Levels of Cognitive Interchange

Basic requirements

  1. Memory level

i. Allowing discriminating examples and non-examples of a point

  1. Understanding level

ii. Recording the important points made during the Presentations

  1. Reflective level

iii. Asking the students to discuss various items of information

Ans: a-ii, b-i, c-iv

iv. Critically analyzing the points to be made and discussed.

13. Match: a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii

Set - I

Set- II

  1. Formative evaluation with regularity

i. Evaluating cognitive and co-cognitive aspects

  1. Summative evaluation

ii. Tests and their interpretations based on a group and certain yardsticks

  1. A continuous and comprehensive evaluation

iii. Grading the final learning outcomes

  1. Norm and criterion-referenced tests

iv. Quizzes and discussions

14. Select the positive factors contributing to the effectiveness of teaching:

  1. Teacher's knowledge of the subject

  2. Teacher's socio-economic background

  3. Communication skill of the teacher

  4. Teacher's ability to please the students

  5. Teacher's contact with students

  6. Teacher's competence in managing and monitoring the classroom transactions

15. The use of teaching aids is justified on the grounds of:

  1. Attracting students attention in the classroom

  2. Minimizing indiscipline problems in the classroom

  3. Optimizing learning outcomes of students

  4. Effective engagement of students in learning tasks.

16. A: The purpose of higher education is to promote critical and creative thinking abilities among students. ✓

R: These abilities ensure job placements. ×

17. As a teacher, select the best option to ensure your effective presence in the classroom:

  1. Use of peer command

  2. Making aggressive statements

  3. Adoption of well-established posture

  4. Being authoritarian

18. Imagine you are working in an educational institution where people are of equal status. Which method of communication is best suited and normally employed in such a context?

  1. Horizontal communication

  2. Vertical communication

  3. Corporate " 

  4. Cross "

19. Identify the important element a teacher has to take cognizance of while addressing students in a classroom.

  1. Avoidance of proximity

  2. Voice modulation

  3. Repetitive pause

  4. Fixed posture

YEAR 2017:

  1. The purpose of value education is best served by focusing on :

(1) Cultural practices prevailing in the society 

(2) Norms of conduct laid down by a social group 

(3) Concern for human values 

(4) Religious and moral practices and instructions

  1. The effectiveness of teaching has to be judged in terms of: 

(1) Course coverage 

(2) Students’ interest 

(3) Learning outcomes of students 

(4) Use of teaching aids in the classroom

  1. In which teaching method learner’s participation is made optimal and proactive? 

(1) Discussion method 

(2) Buzz session method 

(3) Brainstorming session method 

(4) Project method

  1. One of the most powerful factors affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the:

(1) Social system of the country 

(2) Economic status of the society 

(3) Prevailing political system

(4) Educational system

  1. Assertion (A): Formative evaluation tends to accelerate the pace of learning. 

Reason (R): As against summative evaluation, formative evaluation is highly reliable.


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

  1. Which of the following set of statements represents acceptable propositions in respect of teaching-learning relationships? Choose the correct code to indicate your answer. 

(i) When students fail a test, it is the teacher who fails. 

(ii) Every teaching must aim at ensuring learning. 

(iii) There can be teaching without learning taking place. 

(iv) There can be no learning without teaching. 

(v) A teacher teaches but learns also. 

(vi) Real learning implies rote learning.

  1. Assertion (A): Learning is a lifelong process. 

Reason(R): Learning to be useful must be linked with life processes. Choose the correct answer from the following code: 

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

  1. On the basis of summative tests, a teacher is interpreting his/her students' performance in terms of their wellness lifestyle evident in behavior. This will be called: 

(1) criterion-referenced testing 

(2) Formative testing 

(3) Continuous and comprehensive evaluation 

(4) Norm-referenced testing

  1. From the list given below identify the learner characteristics which would facilitate the teaching-learning system to become effective. Choose the correct code to indicate your answer. 

(a) Prior experience of the learner 

(b) Learner’s family lineage 

(c) Aptitude of the learner 

(d) Learner’s stage of development 

(e) Learner’s food habits and hobbies 

(f) Learner’s religious affiliation

  1. Which one of the following is a key behavior in effective teaching? 

(1) Questioning 

(2) Using student ideas and contribution 

(3) Structuring 

(4) Instructional variety

  1. Which of the following set of statements best represents the nature and objective of teaching and learning? 

(a) Teaching is like selling and learning is like buying. 

(b) Teaching is a social act while learning is a personal act. 

(c) Teaching implies learning whereas learning does not imply teaching. 

(d) Teaching is a kind of delivery of knowledge while learning is like receiving it. 

(e) Teaching is an interaction and is triadic in nature whereas learning is an active engagement in a subject domain. 

  1. Assertion (A): All teaching implies learning. 

Reason (R): Learning to be useful must be derived from teaching. Choose the correct answer from the following: 

(1) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

YEAR 2018:

  1. Which among the following is the best field of study to improve the ability of students Experiment and analyse ? 

1. History 

2. Languages 

3. Economics 

4. Science

  1. Which among the following best reflects the quality of teaching in a classroom ? 

1. Through the use of many teaching aids in the classroom 

2. Through the quality of questions asked by students in classroom 

3. Through full attendance in the classroom 

4. Through observation of silence by the students in classroom

  1. Among the following, which one is not instructional material ? 

1. Audio podcast 

2. YouTube video 

3. Printed study guide 

4. Overhead projector

  1. Suppose as a teacher you are training your students in public speaking and debate. Which among the following is most difficult to develop among the students ? 

1. Control over emotions 

2. Concept formulation 

3. Using / selecting appropriate language 

4. Voice modulation

  1. The rhetorical approach in classroom communication considers teachers as _____ agents of students. 

1. Influencing 

2. Non-official 

3. Academic 

4. Official 

  1. Assertion (A) : Teacher communication is central to classroom management. 

Reason (R) : Teacher communication behaviors should not be used to regulate the classroom Behavior of students. 

1. (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

2. Both (A) and (R) are true. 

3. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

4. (A) is true, but (R) is false.

  1. Which of the following set of statements best describes the nature and objectives of teaching? 

(a) Teaching and learning are integrally related. 

(b) There is no difference between teaching and training. 

(c) Concern of all teaching is to ensure some kind of transformation in students. 

(d) All good teaching is formal in nature. 

(e) A teacher is a senior person. 

(f) Teaching is a social act whereas learning is a personal act.

  1. Which of the following learner characteristics is highly related to effectiveness of teaching? 

(1) Prior experience of the learner 

(2) Educational status of the parents of the learner 

(3) Peer groups of the learner 

(4) Family size from which the learner comes.

  1. In the two sets given below Set –I indicates methods of teaching while Set –II provides the basic requirements for success/effectiveness. Match the two sets and indicate your answer by choosing from the code:

Method of Teaching

Set – II (Basic requirements for success/effectiveness) 

(a) Lecturing 

(i) Small step presentation with feedback provided

(b) Discussion in groups

(ii) Production of large number of ideas

(c) Brainstorming

(iii) Content delivery in a lucid language

(d) Programmed Instructional procedure 

(iv) Use of teaching-aids 

(v) Theme based interaction among participants

Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) 

(1) i (ii) (iii) (iv) 

(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 

(3) (iii) (v) (ii) (i) 

4 (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) 

  1. From the list of evaluation procedures given below identify those which will be called ‘formative evaluation’. Indicate your answer by choosing from the code: 

(a) A teacher awards grades to students after having transacted the course work. 

(b) During interaction with students in the classroom, the teacher provides corrective feedback. 

(c) The teacher gives marks to students on a unit test. 

(d) The teacher clarifies doubts of students in the class itself. 

(e) The overall performance of a student’s us reported to parents at every three months interval. 

(f) The learner’s motivation is raised by the teacher through a question-answer session. 

  1. Assertion (A): All teaching should aim at ensuring learning. 

Reason (R): All learning results from teaching. Choose the correct answer from the following code: (1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

  1. Assertion (A): The initial messages to students in the classroom by a teacher need not be critical to establish interactions later. 

Reason (R): More control over the communication process means more control over what the students are learning. 


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

  1. Assertion (A): To communicate well in the classroom is a natural ability. 

Reason (R): Effective teaching in the classroom demands knowledge of the communication process. 


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

  1. Assertion (A): Classroom communication is a transactional process. 

Reason (R): A teacher does not operate under the assumption that students’ responses are purposive. 

Select the correct code for your answer: 

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

YEAR 2019

  1. Classroom Interactions are influenced largely by 

1. Student’s commitment 

2. Teacher centric environment 

3. Organisational oversight 

4. Unsolicited interventions

  1. when a large number of students with different performance levels are there in the class. For uniform imparting of educational interactions, a teacher should opt for communication which is: 

1. Top-down and linear 

2. Technology–enabled 

3. Individual–centric 

4. Self–projected

  1. Assertion (A): Classroom communication is pre-decided by social and institutional demands. Reasons (R): Positive educational actions should guide learners to acquire knowledge of social significance. 

In the light of the above two statements, choose the correct option: 

1. Both (A) and (R) are true and are the correct explanation of (A) 

2. Both (A) and (R) are true and are not the correct explanation of (A) 

3. (A) is true but is (R) false 

4. (A) is false but is (R) true

  1. The emphasis in memory-level teaching is on which of the following? 

1. Organisation of thoughts and ideas 

2. Seeing relationships among facts 

3. Systematic presentations to enable quick reproduction 

4. Critical thinking 

5. Mastery of concept sequencing of facts 

6. Segregating one feature from another

  1. Which of the following teaching method(s) is/are contributive to direct learning? 

1. Team teaching and lecturing 

2. Simulation and role-playing 

3. Lecture with or without the use of audio-visuals 

4. Participation in workshops and assignments 

5. MOOCs and heuristics 6. Interactive presentation

  1. The most characteristic feature of an adolescent learner which determines his/her social and moral development is the 

1. Tendency to be away from parents 

2. Concern for hero-worshipping for emulating values and standards 

3. Mixing up with peers in the neighborhood 

4. Identity crisis

  1. Below are given two sets in which set I specify the four behavior modification techniques while set II indicates their exemplification. Match the two sets 

Set I (Behaviour modification techniques)

Set II (Example)

a)  Positive reinforcement

  i.      Withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus or application of an aversive stimulus to stop the behavior

b)  Negative reinforcement

  ii.      Painful or aversive stimulus is presented to stop the occurrence of behavior

c)  Punishment 

iii.      The behavior increases in frequency after the removal of the stimulus

d)  Extinction

iv.      The behavior increases in frequency after the presentation of a stimulus 

Choose your answer from the following options: 

1. (a)-(i), (b)-(ii),(c)-(iii),(d)-(iv) 

2. (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii),(d)-(iv) 

3. (a)-(iv),(b)-(iii),(c)-(ii),(d)-(i) 

4. (a)-(iii),(b)-(i),(c)-(ii),(d)-(iv) 

  1. Match the following study skills with their effective learning techniques: 

Study Skills

Learning Techniques

a)  Elaborative interrogation

i.      Mixing different kinds of problems together when studying

b)  Practice Testing

ii.      Explaining what a section of text or an example problem means to you

c)  Self-Explanation

iii.      Testing yourself on the material you are trying to learn

d)  Interleaved practice

  iv.      Answering why a fact is true

Choose the correct option: 

1. (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i) 

2. (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii) 

3. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i),(d)-(iii) 

4. (a)-(iii),(b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)

  1. Which of the learner’s characteristics will influence his/her perspective in a course of study?

 i) Learner’s commitment 

ii) Parents interest in the learner 

(iii) Prior knowledge of the learner 

(iv) Skill of the learner in the concerned area

(v) Family size of the learner 

(vi) Socio-economic background of the family to which the learner belongs

  1. The performance of a student is compared with another student in which type of testing? 

(1) Criterion-referenced testing 

(2) Diagnostic testing 

(3) Summative testing 

(4) Norm-referenced testing 

  1. Which of the following is an example of a maximum performance test? 

(1) Personality tests (2) Projective personality tests (3) Aptitude tests (4) Interest and attitude scales

  1. Which of the strategies in the list given below will be associated with direct teaching? 

(i) Providing examples and explanation 

(ii) Promoting inquiry 

(iii) Focussing on concepts 

(iv) Giving review and recapitulation 

(v) Offering practice and feedback 

(vi) Problem raising and problem-solving 

  1. From the list given below identify those questions which are called process rather than content-based questions? (i) Convergent questions (ii) Divergent questions (iii) Fact-based questions (iv) Concept-based questions (v) Open questions (vi) Closed questions.

YEAR 2020

  1. Reflective level teaching is different from memory level teaching because the pattern of communication that is involved in reflective level teaching is basically:

1. Linear 

2. Bottom-up 

3. Interactional 

4. Transactional 

  1. Which one of the following assessment procedures are conducted during an in-progress teaching-learning session? 

1. Summative 

2. Formative 

3. Norm-referenced 

4. Criterion-referenced

  1.  From the following, identify those features which are associated with “Indirect Instructional Strategies” 

A. Guided student practice 

B. Focus on concept acquisition through question-answer sessions 

C. Presenting the stimulus material in small, easy to take steps 

D. Problem based presentation 

E. Participatory and collaborative moves stressed

  1. Statement I: The use of ICT in organizing teaching-learning programs in the universities has the potential to optimize the learning outcomes.

Statement II: Formative assessment provides support to enhance the quality of teaching-learning sessions. 

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below 1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct 

2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect 

3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect 

4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct 

  1. Identify those teaching strategies which are learner-centered 

A. Cooperative learning 

B. Team teaching 

C. Laboratory based projects 

D. Pair-share discussions 

E. Lecturing with PowerPoint presentations 


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